Locale for Germany updated!

The locale for the Germany (de-DE) has been updated to include new holiday data.

Region Thuringia got two missing holidays.

Weltkindertag (Universal Children’s Day)

Since 2019, Thuringia celebrates ‘Weltkindertag’ as an official holiday. This has been added to the data.

Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi)

Holiday ‘Fronleichnam’, although only a holiday in communities with a catholic majority, was also added.

Contribute to Holidata

As with all our holiday data, maintenance is necessary to keep it up-to-date. So we invite you to contribute to Holidata.

Your assistance is valuable, and it’s not limited to Germany – we currently support 32 countries. Join our Discord channel and help with a country, a region, or even just a holiday.